Building A WebXR Based Knowledge Diffusion and Communication Learning Centre with A.I. Elements Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration with Students in Different Specialisms (Coming Soon)

As the evolvement of internet technologies, various information and communication technologies are adopted to enhance the language learning process and to facilitate effective communication. Over the past decades, we have been in a whole new world of knowledge learning, diffusion, and communication with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. Web extended reality (webXR) is being used as a solution to bridge the real world and the virtual world in learning and communication activities designed under the web browser. The ability to adopt these kinds of technology to diffuse disciplinary knowledge is necessary for our new generations. Aiming at re-envisioning the immersive web learning and communication experience with webXR, we initiated a project in 2022, intended to establish a webXR-based Virtual Chinese Language Learning Centre (VCLLC) to provide a well-structured virtual learning environment for students to deploy both the Chinese language communication skills and the webXR technology ability to effective writing, display and diffuse their disciplinary knowledge in the Chinese language which can be best suit for modern communication. In this paper, we will discuss and share some experiences on the establishment of a transdisciplinary assignment mechanism that helps students’ learning in the use of the Chinese language with latest ICT technology to diffuse and communicate on a new level by promoting hands-on practices, which can encourage our students imagine, create, and deliver innovative XR experiences with their disciplinary context in the Chinese language.
This project is funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)
Principal Investigator: Dr Chan Chi Ming