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Chinese Idiom

Chinese Idioms, HKU CLEP

The online course ‘Chinese Idioms for everyday life’ is developed to provide students and teachers with diverse learning and teaching resources for idioms through an interactive online self-learning approach using the Open EdX platform with a user-friendly interface. Some exercises incorporate game elements (gamification) to increase student engagement and enjoyment in learning. The course primarily focuses on self-practice, with most exercises are designed with inspiration from everyday life or current events. The aim is to enable students to not only understand the meanings of idioms, but also learn how to apply them in their daily lives, thereby enhancing their proficiency in both Chinese writing and speaking. Learning Chinese idioms can be enjoyable and interesting.

「日常生活中的成語」課程,以網上互動自學方式,利用Open EdX的平台和友善的介面,為同學和老師提供多元化的成語學習資源和教學資源。部分練習融入遊戲元素(gamification),希望能增加同學學習趣味。整個課程以自學練習為主,輔以五套與成語運用相關的影片,大部分練習題目設計取材自日常生活或時事新聞。希望同學完成課程後,不但認識成語的意義,亦可認識到如何在日常生活中運用成語,繼而在寫作或口語表達時,能純熟地運用成語,提升中文的表達能力。學習成語,其實充滿樂趣。 


This Open EdX course is funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)


Principal Investigator: Dr Poon Hon Fong Connie 

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